Should I Get a Lawyer for a Motorcycle Accident?

A person wearing a leather jacket and helmet, holding a motorcycle

Have you or someone you love suffered an injury in a motorcycle accident? Are you terrified of opening the mail and seeing those huge medical bills? Concerned about losing income because you had to take a month off during your recovery? A motorcycle accident attorney can help. While not every accident requires an attorney’s assistance, […]

What are the Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?

Pedestrian crossing the road in front of a car

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that a pedestrian dies in a car accident every 90 minutes, and many more suffer injuries daily across the United States. These incidents may lead to terrible injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, broken bones, road rash, internal injuries, cuts and scrapes, and more. Negligent […]

When to get an attorney for a car accident

A car accident Lawyer with gavel

Tens of thousands of Americans suffer injuries in auto accidents annually. If another driver hits and injures you, you have the legal right to obtain compensation for your losses. No law says you must hire a car accident attorney after a car accident to obtain compensation for you. However, many auto accident victims decide to […]

What to Expect After a Car Accident

Aerial view of a car damaged from a collision with another vehicle on the road.

A car crash can be one of our most upsetting, stressful, and life-changing events. Car accident injuries can cause long-term or permanent disability. After the accident, you may not know how to pay for your losses. Not only do you have medical bills. You can’t work, so you need money and fast. The following article […]

What are the Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycle crash with bike down on the street

While motorcycles are enjoyable, they can be dangerous, especially at higher speeds. Other motorists may not drive safely around you and cause a serious motorcycle accident. One moment you are riding along and the next, you have severe injuries and your life is significantly changed. Negligent drivers should be liable for your injuries and losses […]

How Long Does a Bicycle Accident Claim Take?

Traffic accident bicycle helmet on road after car hit a cyclist

You were riding your bicycle when a car hit you from behind. You hit the ground, and your back, arm, and knee flare with pain. You must file a bicycle accident claim to receive compensation for your injuries. How long will it take? The best way to know what to expect with your claim is […]

How to Choose the Right Personal Injury Lawyer for You

Personal Injury lawyer signs

You suffered an injury from another party in a car accident recently. Between not working and paying medical bills, making ends meet is hard. It doesn’t have to be like this. You can receive compensation when you prove another party’s negligence triggered the accident. Reach out a seasoned Booneville car accident attorney near you for assistance. […]

Why Is My Accident Settlement Taking So Long?

Delay in accident settlement process

When you’re an accident victim, and someone else is at fault, you can seek compensation for your losses in a personal injury claim. However, getting a settlement takes time with at least one or more insurance companies involved. Learn below about why accident settlements may take longer than we like. Have a local personal injury […]

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident on the road

You’re probably seriously injured after a motorcycle accident. Whether it’s a head or back injury, internal bleeding, broken bones, or road rash, a motorcycle accident can lead to debilitating injuries that affect you for years or permanently. The steps that you take in the days after a motorcycle accident are important to your recovery and […]

What is the Truck Accident Claim Process?

Road accident between two trucks

Getting hit by a commercial truck can be a terrifying experience. When such a severe accident happens, you can have severe property damage, devastating injuries, and tremendous pain and suffering. The serious consequences of a truck accident mean you should have experienced legal representation during the truck accident claim process. Truck accident claims are inherently […]