What Do I Do After a Hit and Run Accident?

A car accident is already a stressful experience, but when your collision is a hit and run, this can add an extra layer of complexity and frustration to your situation. When the other driver flees the scene, navigating the legal and practical steps that follow this type of collision can feel overwhelming.

If you’re the victim of a hit and run accident, there are several steps you should take to safeguard your rights. One of the most important steps is consulting with a car accident lawyer. An attorney can provide peace of mind and support as they work diligently to find the party responsible and seek the compensation you need for your injuries, expenses, and losses.

What is a Hit and Run Accident?

A hit and run accident occurs when a driver hits another vehicle and then leaves the scene without stopping to provide contact information or assist any injured parties. These collisions can also involve pedestrians, bicyclists, and property.

In every state, it is illegal to cause an accident and flee the scene, as this not only avoids accountability but can also leave victims without the necessary support or information for insurance and legal purposes. While state law varies, many states require drivers who cause an accident to take certain steps, including checking on victims and providing information, including name, contact information, and insurance details.

Hit-and-run incidents can involve varying degrees of damage or injury, and law enforcement often investigates these cases in depth to find responsible parties.

What To Do Following a Hit and Run Accident

Figuring out what to do after a hit and run can be particularly confusing. You don’t know who the other party is, and you have no way of contacting them. So, what happens now?

The following steps can help ensure you protect your rights as a hit and run victim and potentially have the opportunity to obtain compensation.

Seek Medical Attention

The first thing you should do following a car accident is to get proper medical attention.

Hit and run collisions can be even more stressful than other types of accidents, especially as you see the other party drive away, leaving you to fend for yourself. The body naturally responds to stress by releasing adrenaline, which puts your body in a “fight or flight” mode. Among the many bodily functions this can cause, it can mask any symptoms you may otherwise feel, making you believe you’re uninjured.

Even if you don’t feel injured, seeing a healthcare professional is important. Some injuries, such as whiplash or internal trauma, might not be immediately evident but can cause significant problems later.

Once you understand the extent of your injuries, adhere to any treatment or follow-up appointments prescribed by your healthcare provider. Be sure to document all medical visits and treatments, as this information can be crucial for any insurance claims or legal actions down the line.

File a Police Report

When you’re involved in a hit and run accident, it’s best to immediately call the police to the scene. Officers can speak with you and witnesses when they arrive and gather information for their police report.

A police officer in a tactical vest takes notes on a pad, documenting details at the scene.

Still, if you don’t call law enforcement at the scene immediately after the collision, you can usually file a police report after the fact. The police report includes information about the accident, including resulting injuries and property damage. Depending on your state’s procedures, you might file a police report online or walk into a police station to do it in person.

A police report is crucial for documenting the incident officially and can be essential for insurance claims and legal cases.

Gather as Much Evidence as Possible

If you gathered evidence at the accident scene, that is ideal. Photos, videos, and witness contact information can help your attorney assess the case.

Should you remember details about the car that caused your accident, including the make, model, and color, be sure to write that down as quickly as possible before you forget. Also, jot down any other details you think can be helpful, including the license plate number (even partially) and specifics concerning the driver’s physical appearance.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Even if you’re not at fault, you should still report the accident to your insurance company. Many hit and run victims must rely on their own coverage, and most insurance policies require prompt reporting of accidents to ensure that your claim is processed smoothly. So, notifying your provider as soon as possible is key.

If you have uninsured motorist coverage, it may help cover damages and injuries resulting from the hit and run. Additionally, collision coverage can assist with repairing or replacing your vehicle.

Failing to notify your insurer can have negative repercussions, but only provide them with the basic details only at first. Saying the wrong thing can jeopardize your rights. The best move is to have your car accident lawyer handle these notifications.

Handle Repairs and Replacements

A mechanic works on a car's engine in the garage, representing car inspection and repair services.

If your car is fixable, obtain repair estimates from reputable auto repair shops. When your vehicle is totaled, make sure to determine the value.

Depending on the circumstances, your auto insurance company may be able to assist you with repairing your vehicle or, alternatively, provide compensation to replace it.

Stay Organized

Being organized after a hit and run can pay off. Maintain a detailed record of all documents related to your accident, including police reports, medical records, repair estimates, and insurance correspondence.

Keep track of any out-of-pocket expenses related to the collision, such as medical bills, rental car costs, and lost earnings. This documentation can be important for insurance claims and potential legal actions in the future.

Discuss Your Case with a Car Accident Attorney

Hit and run accidents can create much confusion and overwhelm. Fortunately, a car accident attorney can help.

When you consult a car accident lawyer, they can obtain information about your collision and give their professional advice. An attorney can provide much-needed support through a challenging time and determine how best to proceed to get you compensation foryour injuries and related losses.

Is it Possible to Get Compensation After a Hit and Run Collision?

One of the biggest fears hit and run accident victims have is that they won’t obtain any financial recovery for their collision. This can be a scary thought, especially when you have mounting medical bills and other costs associated with your hit and run.

It is possible to get compensation following a hit and run accident. How you pursue financial recovery depends on the circumstances.

First, you may get compensation through your insurance. In no-fault states, regardless of whether the accident is a hit and run or not, you file a first-party claim through your own personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. This type of insurance helps compensate you for medical expenses and other damages, like lost income.

If you have uninsured motorist protection under your auto insurance policy, you can seek monetary recovery by filing a claim. Uninsured motorist coverage (UM) is a type of auto insurance that helps protect you if you’re involved in an accident with a driver who does not have insurance or if you experience a hit and run collision where the at-fault driver cannot be identified. UM insurance covers medical expenses, lost earnings, and property damage.

Sometimes, you can also rely on your health insurance to help cover medical expenses. This minimizes how much you must pay out of pocket for certain injury-related expenses, such as doctor’s visits and medications.

What Happens if the Party Responsible for Your Hit and Run is Found?

Hit and run concept: An injured man lies on the road in front of a car, highlighting the severity of the accident.

After a hit and run accident, law enforcement officers investigate to identify the driver responsible for your collision. Additionally, when you hire legal representation, your lawyer can conduct their own investigation to find the at-fault driver.

Even with an investigation, parties responsible for hit and run accidents are not always identified. However, in many cases, they are eventually found. Finding the driver who caused your accident can positively impact your situation and allow for more options.

If the at-fault driver is insured, you may file a claim through their insurance. If they’re uninsured, you might pursue a legal claim against them outside of insurance.

When the liable driver is found but you’ve already sought compensation through your own insurer, your insurance company may try to seek reimbursement from the driver’s insurance company.

Hitting someone and fleeing the scene is against the law. If the party responsible for your accident is found, they can face legal repercussions. Criminal charges depend on the severity of the situation but can involve misdemeanors or felonies, often depending on the severity of injuries in the crash. Penalties also vary based on the circumstances, including fines, imprisonment, and driver’s license suspension.

What criminal charges do not do, however, is fully compensate victims for their injuries and losses from the hit and run.

Does a Hit and Run Affect Car Insurance Rates?

It is no secret that auto collisions often impact car insurance rates. Victims of hit and runs often fear how the accident may impact their insurance.

Generally, if you file a claim through your auto insurance, your rates may increase. However, if you were the victim of a hit and run, meaning you did not cause the accident, you should not see much of an increase in your premiums, if at all.

However, the situation changes for drivers who cause accidents and flee. For hit and run at-fault drivers, premiums are much more likely to increase. This is especially true if a driver is convicted criminally for the role they play in a collision, particularly if they are convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) or a felony.

Should you have doubts concerning your insurance, you can discuss it with your car accident lawyer. Your attorney can provide advice and deal with all necessary insurance companies. You want an attorney to handle all insurance claims, even with your own provider. Doing so can ensure you receive full compensation and avoid unnecessary cost increases.

Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer After a Hit and Run?

A male lawyer works at his desk in his office, focusing on a hit and run car accident case.

Car accident lawyers can provide significant assistance following a collision, but especially when the accident is a hit and run.

Hit and run accidents are unique and present several challenges. While you’re not legally required to hire a lawyer following a collision, in a hit and run situation, it’s truly in your best interest.

A car accident attorney can thoroughly investigate your collision to try to find the driver responsible for your collision, injuries, and losses. Lawyers have access to several resources you may not have access to, giving them an advantage when taking on the challenge of finding the missing driver.

Additionally, an attorney can assess your situation to determine the best way to pursue compensation without knowing the identity of the at-fault driver. Should the driver be found, they can alter the direction of your case and continue the pursuit of full and fair financial recovery.

If you’re wondering whether you need a car accident lawyer after your hit and run, the answer is almost always “yes.” Considering your difficult position, an attorney can provide countless benefits and strive for the most favorable results.

After a Hit and Run Collision, Do Not Wait to Seek Legal Help

A hit and run accident can be a daunting experience, but knowing the steps to take afterward can help manage the situation effectively. From reporting your accident to seeking legal advice, each step plays a crucial role in protecting your rights and recovering from your unfortunate incident.

When you are overwhelmed or unsure of the next steps, seeking professional assistance from a car accident attorney can provide invaluable support. There is no reason to simply wonder about your rights when you can get straight answers from a trusted professional.

Taking prompt and informed actions can make a significant difference in resolving the situation and securing the justice and compensation you deserve. Act now and schedule your free consultation with a personal injury attorney.