What are the Most Common Types of Bicycle Accidents?

Bicycling is an enjoyable, eco-friendly mode of transportation and recreation, but it comes with its own set of risks. With increasing numbers of people cycling for exercise, commuting, and leisure, understanding the common types of bicycle accidents and the associated legal implications is vital for cyclists.

If you suffer an injury in a bicycle accident, do not hesitate to seek legal guidance. A bicycle accident attorney can support you through a challenging time as they protect your rights and work to get you favorable financial recovery for your injuries and losses.

Bicycle Accidents Happen Frequently

You’ll likely find a bicyclist on the road anywhere at any given moment, especially during warmer weather. Because of the countless bicycle riders on roads daily, bicycle accidents happen often.

In a recent year, 41,615 bicyclists suffered an injury in crashes. Over five years, the average number of injury-only bicycle accidents per year was 45,000. Hundreds of other cyclists are killed in collisions every year.

Bicycle accidents are preventable with proper care and attention. However, negligent drivers and other parties create dangerous environments for bicyclists, keeping the number of accidents steadily high.

Common Types of Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle collisions happen for various reasons and result in many unfortunate situations. Some of the most common types of bicycle accidents include the following.

Intersection Collisions

Intersection collisions occur when a bicycle and a motor vehicle collide at an intersection. These accidents often happen when a driver:

  • Runs a red light or stop sign: A driver disregards traffic signals and collides with a cyclist.
  • Failure to yield: The driver does not give the cyclist the right of way as required by law.
  • Distracted driving: The driver may be distracted by a phone or other device, causing them to miss traffic signals or signs.

It’s often unavoidable for bicyclists to traverse through intersections. Because of heavy traffic at intersections, collisions are more likely to happen.

Left Hook Accidents

An Asian boy was injured when his bicycle collided with a car on the road. The boy was hit by the car during the accident.

A “left hook” accident occurs when a driver turning left across the path of a cyclist traveling straight through an intersection causes a collision. This type of accident is common at intersections where the cyclist and driver are moving in opposite directions. Common causes of left hook accidents include:

  • Failure to yield: As traffic laws require, the driver may not yield the right of way to the cyclist.
  • Distracted driving: The driver may be distracted by their phone, radio, and other factors, causing them to overlook the cyclist.

Additionally, impatience and road rage can contribute to left-hook accidents, especially during rush hour.

Right Hook Accidents

A “right hook” accident occurs when a driver makes a right turn directly in front of a cyclist traveling through an intersection. These collisions frequently happen due to:

  • Failure to signal: The driver may not signal their intention to turn right, leaving the cyclist unaware of the upcoming maneuver.
  • Inadequate observation: The driver does not properly check for cyclists before making a turn.
  • Speeding: The driver may be moving too fast to notice the cyclist or to make a safe turn.

Also, a driver may forget to check their blind spots, failing to notice the bicyclist, or they may believe they have cleared the bicyclist enough to make the turn.

Dooring Accidents

Dooring accidents are some of the most common types of accidents for bicyclists. These accidents occur when a driver or passenger opens a car door into the path of an oncoming cyclist. Unable to avoid the door, the cyclist may crash into it or be thrown off their bike. Sometimes, to avoid the door, bicyclists fall into oncoming traffic.

Often, dooring accidents occur because drivers fail to check for oncoming cyclists before opening the door. Additionally, a vehicle may be parked too close to the bike lane, reducing the space for cyclists to ride safely.

Rear-End Collisions

An unconscious male cyclist lies on the road after a traffic accident, with selective focus highlighting the severity of the situation.

Rear-end collisions occur when a driver strikes a cyclist from behind. This type of accident can result from the driver’s failure to maintain a safe distance, distraction, speeding, or fatigued driving. In some cases, a rear-end collision may also occur when a bicyclist riding on the right side of a vehicle swerves left to avoid a road hazard, and the driver hits the bicycle from behind.

Depending on the cause of the rear-end collision, liability may fall on the responsible driver alone, but the party responsible for the road hazard may also be at fault.

Cyclist Fall Accidents

Cyclist fall accidents occur when cyclists lose control of their bicycles and fall. These accidents often happen due to dangerous road conditions, like uneven lanes, potholes, and road debris. Defects and malfunctions can also contribute to fall accidents.

Bicycle riders can suffer severe injuries from the fall alone. However, when a cyclist falls into traffic, their injuries can be much worse, and multiple parties may be at fault, including the government and negligent drivers.

Bike Lane Accidents

Bike-lane accidents occur when a vehicle encroaches on a designated bike lane or when obstacles force a cyclist out of a bike lane. These accidents can happen due to negligent driver behavior and poor lane design, maintenance, or repair.

For bike lane accidents, drivers, governmental entities, or maintenance and repair companies may be at fault.

Where Bike Accidents Frequently Occur

Personal bicycle traffic accident image.

Bicycle accidents can happen just about anywhere. Of course, certain settings pose higher risks due to more traffic and risky driving practices. Some of the areas where bike crashes more often happen include, but are not limited to:

  • Intersections: Intersections with lots of vehicle traffic can be particularly dangerous for cyclists. Conflicts between turning vehicles and cyclists are a common issue.
  • Busy roads: Roads with high traffic volumes, especially those lacking dedicated bike lanes, often have higher accident rates involving bicycles.
  • Parking lots: Parking lots can be hazardous due to the frequency of vehicles maneuvering in and out of parking spaces, often without regard for cyclists.
  • Residential streets: While often quieter, residential streets can still be dangerous due to drivers not expecting to encounter cyclists or because of poorly maintained roads and sidewalks.

Unfortunately, where there are cars, there is usually danger for bicyclists. While bicycle riders often employ safety practices, like wearing helmets and using signals, it does little when surrounded by negligent drivers and negative environmental factors.

Injuries Resulting from Bicycle Collisions

Bicycle accident injuries are typically severe. Unlike cars and other motor vehicles, bicycles do not offer riders any protection. Due to their lightweight, unsteady design, bicyclists can easily be thrown off their bikes in an accident and suffer extensive, even life-altering injuries.

Common injuries associated with bicycle collisions include:

  • Head injuries: Even with a helmet, cyclists often suffer concussions, skull fractures, or traumatic brain injuries. Helmets significantly reduce the risk but don’t eliminate it entirely.
  • Facial injuries: These can include cuts, bruises, or fractures to the nose, jaw, or cheekbones. Facial injuries are often more severe when cyclists are not required to wear helmets.
  • Road rash: This is a term for abrasions that occur when skin scrapes against the pavement. It results in a type of burn, often requiring significant medical treatment.
  • Fractures: Common fractures include broken arms, collarbones, and ribs. Legs and wrists are also prone to fracture in bicycle accidents.
  • Dislocations: Joints, particularly shoulders and elbows, can become dislocated due to falls or impact.
  • Internal injuries: Cyclists can suffer from internal bleeding or damage to organs, which may not be immediately apparent.
  • Spinal injuries: Injuries to the spine can include disc injuries, like herniated discs, or spinal cord injuries, which can lead to paralysis.
  • Whiplash: Sudden impacts or falls can cause whiplash, which involves strain on the neck muscles and ligaments.

Along with physical injuries, bicycle accidents can have a solid mental impact. The trauma of an accident can lead to psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety about ever riding again.

Bicycle accident injuries can be costly, as proper medical treatment is expensive. This is especially true when injuries require long-term care. The financial burdens of a bicycle collision are among the most critical reasons for taking action and pursuing compensation.

Steps to Take After a Bicycle Accident

Following a bike crash, it’s common to feel unsure of what to do. You may be dealing with severe injuries and emotional distress, and you may not give your future compensation claim much thought. However, protecting your rights is important, as the steps you take after a bicycle accident can impact your claim and financial recovery.

Get Medical Treatment

Bike injuries: A young woman cyclist fell off her road bike while cycling, resulting in a bicycle accident and an injured knee.

After a bicycle accident, you should always put your health first. Often, these collisions result in serious injury requiring emergency medical care. Receive the treatment you need, whether on the scene, at the hospital, or both.

In the days after your accident, follow up with a healthcare provider. Make sure your doctor fully examines you and orders any diagnostic tests that can shed some light on the extent of your injuries. Knowing the severity of your injuries can ensure you get the right treatment to heal as well as possible.

Additionally, you should always follow through with your treatment plan. Doing so helps you recover but also builds your medical records and exhibits the extent of the physical harm you sustained as a result of your accident.

Document Your Crash

All evidence can play a part in your bicycle accident claim. Following your collision, collect evidence, from photos of your injuries to medical bills and expenses. As more evidence becomes available, like police reports, you can continue gathering documentation to strengthen your claim.

Consult with a Bicycle Accident Attorney

You should consult with a local bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. An attorney can provide the kindness, support, and guidance you need during a difficult time while giving you a sense of direction for your case. A lawyer skilled at handling bicycle collision claims is your best ally in your pursuit of justice and fair compensation.

Taking Action Following Your Bike Crash

After a bicycle accident, there are different ways to seek financial recovery. Your options depend on the circumstances. Your bicycle accident attorney can evaluate the specifics of your case and explain your rights and choices.

File an Insurance Claim

An insurer shields a bicycle with both hands, symbolizing protection and coverage for cyclists.

In many cases, injured bicyclists can start by filing an insurance claim. This is usually an option when a motor vehicle driver causes your accident, and they are insured. You may have the opportunity to file a third-party insurance claim through their insurance.

The goal of an insurance claim is to settle your claim without having to take legal action. The insurance company investigates your claim, determines how much they think your claim is worth, and provides a settlement offer if they approve it. Based on the fairness of the settlement offer, you can decide whether it’s good enough to settle or you need to negotiate for a higher payout.

Should the insurance company deny your valid claim or play hardball and avoid settling fairly, you may take further action.

Consider Legal Action

In some cases, you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit for compensation after a bicycle accident. You can file a lawsuit against the insurance company if they deny your claim or are unwilling to settle justly. Alternatively, you may need to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party directly if they’re uninsured.

Filing a lawsuit is often stressful and overwhelming. Still, it can give you the best chance of obtaining the financial recovery you need. When you have a bicycle accident lawyer handling your case, they are responsible for all case-related tasks and representing your best interests. Whether you’re seeking a settlement or an award in court, your attorney will continue to do whatever is necessary to get you the outcome you deserve.

Consult with a Bicycle Accident Attorney Right Away

Regardless of the type of bicycle accident you experience, they can all result in severe injuries, life-changing consequences, and financial struggles. Fortunately, you’re not alone in your battle for justice and compensation. A skilled personal injury lawyer can take on your case and fight diligently to reach your best possible case result.

After a bicycle accident, don’t wait to get legal help and begin working on your claim. Call today for your consultation.